
From Truth With Truth has all of the handmade love of a zine, expanded to the size of a full book. Lawrence shares glimpses of his childhood and adolescence including his early love of comics and music. He handles the difficult parts- divorce, depression, PTSD and Bipolar disorder- with gentleness and humor. If we could all treat ourselves with the kindness that Lawrence offers to his younger self, the world would be a brighter place!

~Maia Kobabe- Gender Queer

Healing. Deeply personal. A must read for BIPOC & QTPOC navigating mental health journeys. From Truth With Truth is a declaration of self love rooted in unflinching, abundant honesty.

Lawrence Lindell’s graphic memoir offers a blueprint for acceptance and rebirth.

~Gabby Rivera- Juliet Takes a Breath


From Truth With Truth is a graphic memoir from cartoonist Lawrence Lindell about identity, mental health and healing. The story journeys through Lindell’s life growing up in a Black baptist church, being a child of divorce, navigating life living with PTSD and bipolar, finding identity through comics and music and healing.

ISBN: 978-0-578-63103-5
